People don’t talk about this enough: your evening routine is JUST as important as your morning routine. (There, we said it!)

The last 90 minutes before bed is a sacred time for us, and we’re breaking it down today’s episode. Each element of our evening routine (sticking to our schedule, reviewing the next day as a family, prioritizing self care, and setting ourselves up for sleep success) are crucial for us to relax, unwind, and start the next day off on the right foot.

If you’re hoping to create an evening routine that you can actually stick to, this episode is for you. Let’s dive in!

Establish a Family Routine

Having a family routine can be a great way to ensure that everyone in the family is on the same page and that everyone’s needs are being met. For us, routines also help bring structure to the household and help us stay organized and productive.

How to establish a family routine:

  1. Decide what tasks need to be done and when. For example, it can be helpful to decide who will be responsible for making dinner, what time you eat, and who will be responsible for cleaning up the kitchen. If you have kids, it’s also helpful to decide who gets your children ready for bed and at what time. Having these times set in stone ensures no one is taking on more of the load and no one is feeling overwhelmed. 
  2. Review the next day as a family. One way we set ourselves up for success at night is to look at each others’ calendars. This ensures that everyone in the family knows what they have on their plate for the day, and can plan accordingly. Erika literally cannot go upstairs at night without writing in her planner her goals for the next day!
  3. Make sure that everyone has a chance to relax and unwind. After a long day, having time to relax and spend time with your family can help everyone recharge and prepare for the next day. It can also be helpful to have a designated time for each family member to do something that they enjoy, like reading, walking, taking a bath, or playing a game.

Remember: though we all try to stick to our family routine as much as possible, it should be flexible too. Life changes and things happen!

Set Yourself Up for Sleep Success

In addition to these elements of our routine, it can also be beneficial to take supplements and snacks before bed. Some of our favorite supplements to take before bed are:

No matter what helps you sleep, creating an environment that helps you wind down for the night is crucial to starting off the next day on the right foot. 
What’s a non-negotiable in YOUR evening routine? We’d love to hear about it! Join the conversation on Instagram @trustissuespodcast and let us know.

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