Welcome to the FIRST episode of the Trust Issues Podcast! We have been dreaming of hosting this podcast together for almost 5 years because let’s be honest: in this day and age, it’s easy to have trust issues with just about every decision, from what you put in your body and mind to what enters your home and bank account.

And between well-intentioned friends and “experts” on social media, how can you possibly distill their advice from information overload to actionable, attainable steps? It’s time to upgrade your life—with our help!

We’re Erika and Kyle Auckland: intentional parents, power couple, and multi-million dollar entrepreneurs in Nashville, TN.

Every week, we’re dedicated to having purposeful conversations with each other and leading experts about everything from health, wealth, relationships, entrepreneurship, and mindset to help you make the best decisions for you and your family. 

In this episode, you’ll get to know us as we share our story and the lessons we learned along the way. Here’s a sneak peek…

Lesson 1: Be Financially Responsible

We first met in eighth grade almost 20 years ago (go ahead, do the math – we’re not ashamed! #thirtyflirtyandthriving). We continued to date all through high school and college, and eventually got engaged.

However, in our early twenties there was absolutely no way we could afford an extravagant wedding, so one day we woke up and decided at the spur-of-the-moment to get married in a municipal building in Pennsylvania.

Y’all, we literally paid our officiant $100 and then went out for cheeseburgers with our families! After the wedding, we moved into a small townhouse where we financed a couch, used a coffee table with three legs, and watched a TV sitting on top of blue Tupperware. #reallife

So, what does this story have to do with YOU?

Well, first of all: don’t finance a couch! (Kidding… kind of). All jokes aside, be mindful of your spending habits and develop a budget when you are struggling financially.

Speaking of struggle…

Lesson 2: Understand That Struggle Builds Character

Struggling (whether it be financially, in your relationship, in your career, or anything else) can be difficult and disheartening. We know… we’ve been there.

But in our experience, struggling is a great teacher and can help you to develop resilience and strength. It can help you to appreciate the little things in life and to understand what ‘s truly important. 

Despite our struggles while we financed a couch and did everything we could to pay rent, we helped each other stay focused on our goals and worked hard to achieve them. We read books, developed a budget and worked hard to change our lives. 

So if you are going through a difficult time, remember: it’s making you stronger.

Lesson 3: Take Risks to Succeed

Our story of success began with a leap of faith. We had moved to Florida with our parents and were feeling like it wasn’t our place. We had very little to our name and decided to take a risk and move to Charlotte, North Carolina, with no job lined up or anyone we knew there. We had to rely on each other and our own determination to make it work. 

We faced many obstacles, from our car overheating, to struggling to make ends meet. We took jobs that weren’t ideal and lived in a house that was far from perfect. But we kept pushing forward, taking risks, and trying new things. We were open to new opportunities and willing to put in the work and effort to make our dreams a reality.

The risks we took paid off in the end. Kyle got a job in fitness and Erika started her own business. We were able to create the life we wanted for ourselves. We were able to appreciate the little things and understand what was truly important.

Risk-taking is a necessary part of life. It can be intimidating and scary, but it is necessary if you want to succeed. So take risks, and don’t be afraid to fail… it will help you to become the person you want to be.

Lesson 4: Sacrifice Leads to Success

Sacrifice is an important part of taking risks, and eventually finding success. When we started a business together, we both knew that it would take hard work and dedication in order to make it successful. We both put our heads down and worked our hardest. We were willing to sacrifice our time, energy, and resources in order to make it happen. 

We also knew that money was a huge factor in our success. We needed the resources to keep our business afloat, and we had to be willing to invest in ourselves and our business in order to make it successful. And most importantly: we knew we had to put in the time and effort to make it successful. 

Now-retired NFL player Jerry Rice once said, “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”

In our lives, we have seen firsthand that success doesn’t come to those who don’t make sacrifices. When you’re willing to take risks, make sacrifices for what you want, and do what others won’t, you can make ANY of your dreams reality. 

Lesson 5: Forge Your Own Path

After we learned all of the lessons above, we realized that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success. Society tells us to go to school, get a degree, and then you will achieve success… but we think there’s a better way.

In order to forge your own path–whether that be in your relationship, career, how you raise your children, where you live, or how you spend your time–it requires you to learn all of the lessons we discuss in this episode. Luckily, the Trust Issues Podcast is our way of saying, “We learned these lessons the hard way… now you can take them for free.”

We have seen that when you:

THEN you are able to succeed.

We believe anyone can achieve success, and we want to help you!

Subscribe to the Trust Issues Podcast NOW on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever else you listen to podcasts. New episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday, and nothing is off limits: so if you’re not afraid of bold topics, honest dialogue, and hard questions, hit subscribe… because your trust is earned, not a given!

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